
Monday 7 November 2022

Title: junior journal 41 Author: by fiona cross Source:wild orphans Description of setting the kenya inAfrica tsavo national park

Wednesday 19 October 2022

a girl who buried Her dreams an a can

Wednesday 3 August 2022

rona and the moon

Rona was a  beautiful  woman who lived with her husband and their two ` sons in a little kainga a beside the sea Rona’s husband loved her dearly  but sometimes  her bad temper and angry way of growling at him and their boys upset them.  

They went out on the canoe to go fishing. Rona prepared a hangi but the rocks were too hot and she went for water to cool them down but tripped on the root of a tree. She got up and started cursing at the moon but the moon took her. 

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Tuesday 16 November 2021


yesterday i did some  mincarft  coding. i got to level 5.  I had to put commands in to move my cha. i use the pink comand to repeatt in till goal. move fod tren rite and left. my prgraming did not work because i was wilking in the waill. i am going to work on it.

Thursday 24 June 2021

 Hi Brooklyn, can't wait to see your new profile, and sharing your learning on blogger! Ellen